more reluctant

美 [mɔːr rɪˈlʌktənt]英 [mɔː(r) rɪˈlʌktənt]
  • adj.不情愿的;勉强的
  • reluctant的比较级
more reluctantmore reluctant
  1. Everyone is more reluctant to travel these days , not least the Americans .


  2. Why are men more reluctant to do yoga than women ?


  3. This makes them all the more reluctant to search for a job in a different community .


  4. In some cultures , team members may be more reluctant to voice bad news .


  5. And the recent experience of other emerging markets is likely to make them yet more reluctant .


  6. When the commodity is research funding , people are more reluctant to support highly adventuresome work .


  7. Fear of further stoking the mania has probably made policy makers more reluctant to follow up .


  8. The researchers also found that those who use social media regularly are more reluctant to express dissenting views in the offline world .


  9. He can still make drives to the basket and finish plays , but appears much more reluctant to do so consistently .


  10. Men responding to the survey seemed to be more reluctant to talk about when they were feeling stressed or low than women .


  11. I think sometimes women are more reluctant to take risks than their skills or talent or ambitions suggest they ought to be .


  12. If users ever get the impression that you are arbitrary in dealing with their contributions they will be far more reluctant to participate .


  13. For one , just as China hates when America criticizes its domestic policies , it makes China more reluctant to intervene in U.S. policies .


  14. But the figures will also stoke fears that British students are more reluctant than overseas peers to pursue intellectually challenging subjects .


  15. Following the scandal and stories surrounding the National Security Agency and other government surveillance programs , customers are more reluctant than before to share private information .


  16. There is deep uncertainty about what the central banks will do next making ABCP players even more reluctant to start issuing and trading again .


  17. If governments cannot agree trade pacts through negotiation under the WTO , they may be more reluctant to abide by the rules already in place .


  18. Alumni tend to be generous when economic times are good , but during a stock market decline are more reluctant to dig deep into their pockets .


  19. Critics say that such glittering results lead some clients sensing potential conflicts of interest to be more reluctant to part with information that Goldman can aggregate and use .


  20. These chastening experiences have caused governments to be more reluctant to provide the military contingents upon which the U.N.entirely depends .


  21. South Korea has been more reluctant to link up to the US network and has announced plans for its own defence system aimed at medium-ranged missiles .


  22. Other Russian energy groups have been more reluctant to drop the dollar for settlement of oil sales , because the lower liquidity of alternative currencies is likely to result in higher costs .


  23. The Westerners were very much the importance of personal privacy , emphasize personal space , not too many others to mention their own affairs , even more reluctant to let others interfere .


  24. Yet the slowdown in import growth in China could also be a reflection of a significant cooling in the domestic economy , which would make policymakers in Beijing more reluctant to strengthen the currency sharply .


  25. It is regrettable that the UK has historically been more reluctant to convict and impose long sentences in cases of white-collar crime than in Hong Kong or the US .


  26. The falling US dollar is lowering the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries ' purchasing power by up to a third , making the powerful oil cartel more reluctant to increase production and cut prices .


  27. The German sentiment , detailed in the poll conducted last month , stands in marked contrast to that in Italy and Spain , where respondents were far more reluctant to cut Athens loose .


  28. But as our influence grows we are even more reluctant to take sides or make strong statements because we understand that the more important we are , the more likely our interference will complicate things and make them worse .


  29. While the PML-N has been adamant about restoring the judges , the PPP has been more reluctant , possibly because the justices could take up challenges to a legal amnesty granted to PPP leaders on corruption charges .


  30. He 's pretty , yes , so the seduction 's ( 5 ) there , but he 's more than reluctant to act on his and Bella 's sexual desires .
